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News and Information

  1. What is a trademark in Canada? Trademarks are signs or symbols that are used in connection with goods or services to distinguish them from those of others. Trademarks can include names, logos, slogans, and even sounds or colours. Trademark protection gives the owner the exclusive right to use their mark in commerce and prevent others from using a similar mark that could cause confusion among consumers.

  2. How do I register a trademark in Canada? To register a trademark in Canada, you must file a trademark application with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) and pay the required fees. A trademark application does not guarantee that the trademark will proceed to registration. A trademark may be refused by a Trademark Examiner or opposed by a third party in trademark opposition proceedings.

  3. How long does it take to register a trademark in Canada? The time it takes to register a trademark in Canada varies, but it usually takes about 18 to 24 months from the date of filing the application. The current wait times for trademark examination can be seen at the CIPO website. Once a trademark is examined the time to registration depends on the assessment of the application by the Trademark Examiner.

  4. How long does a registered trademark last in Canada? A registered trademark in Canada lasts for 10 years from the date of registration, and it can be renewed for additional 10-year periods.

  5. What is the difference between a trademark and a trade name in Canada? A trademark is a symbol or word that identifies and distinguishes goods or services, while a trade name is the name under which a company or business operates.

  6. Can I use a trademark that is similar to an existing trademark in Canada? Using a trademark that is similar to an existing trademark in Canada may infringe on the existing trademark owner's rights. It is important to conduct a trademark search and seek legal advice before using a similar trademark.

  7. What is the cost of trademark registration in Canada? The cost of trademark registration in Canada varies depending on the type of application and the number of classes of goods or services. The Government fees range from $330 to $400 for the first class and are typically updated every year. The current government fees are listed on the CIPO website. These fees do not include the legal fees to to hire a lawyer or registered trademark agent to assist you in preparing your trademark application and developing a strategy to protect your trademark and brand.

  8. What are the benefits of registering a trademark in Canada? Registering a trademark in Canada provides the owner with exclusive rights to use the trademark and the ability to sue anyone who infringes on the trademark. It also makes it easier to enforce the trademark and provides protection against unauthorized use by others. There are also risk to applying for a trademark so it is important to seek advice prior to applying to register a trademark.

  9. Can I trademark a domain name in Canada? A domain name by itself cannot be registered as a trademark in Canada and does not necessarily provide the owner with trademark rights. However, a domain name can be registered as a trademark if it is used in association with goods or services and meets the requirements for trademark registration.

  10. What is a trademark opposition in Canada? A trademark opposition is a legal proceeding initiated by a third party to challenge the registration of a trademark. It is important to be aware of potential oppositions when applying to register a trademark in Canada.

Consider seeking legal advice to help you navigate the various forms of intellectual property to help you protect your ideas and business. A trademark lawyer can help you understand your options and develop a strategy to protect your intellectual property.

Curated by Lomic Law and written by ChatGPT powered by OpenAI as part of Lomic Law's strategic use of technology to assist its clients.

In Canada, a registered trademark is a mark that has been officially registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) and is protected by the Canadian Trademarks Act. This provides the owner with exclusive rights to use the trademark in connection with their goods or services and gives them the ability to enforce their against infringers.

On the other hand, a common law trademark is a mark that has not been registered with CIPO but has been used in association with goods or services in the Canadian marketplace. Common law trademarks can be protected by the common law of passing off or statutory passing off under the Trademarks Act, which provides protection against the use of confusingly similar marks by competitors.

The main difference between a registered trademark and a common law trademark is that a registered trademark generally provides the owner with stronger and more comprehensive protection, while a common law trademark provides limited protection and can be more difficult to enforce. In is important to note that a registered trademark is only a presumption of validity that can be challenged.

If you are considering protecting your trademark in Canada, you should consider applying to register your mark with CIPO to gain the benefits of trademark registration. However, if you have been using your trademark in Canada but have not registered it, you may still have some protection under the common law of passing off.

As with any legal step, including applying for a trademark registration and enforcing a trademark registration there are advantages and risks.

Consider seeking legal advice to help you navigate the various forms of intellectual property to help you protect your ideas and business. A trademark lawyer can help you understand your options and develop a strategy to protect your intellectual property.

Curated by Lomic Law and written by ChatGPT powered by OpenAI as part of Lomic Law's strategic use of technology to assist its clients.

Copyright and trademarks are two distinct forms of intellectual property protection, with different purposes, legal requirements and scope of protection.

Copyright protects original works of authorship, such as literary, artistic, musical, or other creative works, including books, paintings, songs, software code, and more. Copyright gives the owner exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their work.

Copyright is created when the work is created and fixed in a medium such as applying paint to a canvas. Copyright registration provides added protection.

Trademarks, on the other hand, protect distinctive signs or symbols that are used in connection with goods or services to distinguish them from those of others. Trademarks can include names, logos, slogans, and even sounds or colors. Trademark protection gives the owner the exclusive right to use their mark in commerce and prevent others from using a similar mark that could cause confusion among consumers.

Trademark protection requires registration with the trademark office in the relevant jurisdiction or a common law trademark protection as a result of use in the market place in the relevant jurisdiction.

Consider seeking legal advice to help you navigate the various forms of intellectual property to help you protect your ideas and business. A lawyer can help you understand your options and develop a strategy to protect your intellectual property.

Curated by Lomic Law and written by ChatGPT powered by OpenAI as part of Lomic Law's strategic use of technology to assist its clients.

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